Fallout 3 Alternate Start

Fallout 3 Alternate Start 3,7/5 5064 votes

I like every aspect of Fallout 3. It's not fair to you, the player, to need to stick to one play style. This build allows you to switch between big guns, small guns, energy weapons, explosives, and even even melee or unarmed if you want. You also gain the benefit of having a high repair, science, lockpick. Fallout 3 Mod Alternate Start Roleplayers now has a special edition for these Windows versions: Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 10, Windows 10 64 bit, Windows 10 32 bit, Windows 8, Windows 10 Home 64bit, Windows XP Starter Edition 32bit, Windows 10 32bit, Windows 10 S 32bit, Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit.

  1. Alternate Start Mod Fallout 4

Fallout 3 Tweak Guide Page 10 Advanced Tweaking (Pt.3)GrassiMinGrassSize=80 - This setting controls the density of grass clumps. The higher the value, the less tightly packed grassy areas will be; the lower the value, the more grass there will be. In other words, lowering this value will significantly reduce FPS in most outdoor areas, but can make the game world seem more lush and overgrown. For example, try a value of 10 and it will radically alter what the wasteland looks like. Alternatively if you're after a performance boost or just want less grass for visual reasons, raise it to a value such as 140 to greatly thin out the grass (Fallout.ini).bForceFullLOD=0 - If set to =1, this variable increases the visible number of bushes, especially in the distance. The performance impact is minor, so if you want a bit of additional foliage in the game world, enable this setting (Fallout.ini).fGrassStartFadeDistance=7000 - This variable controls the spread of grass into the distance, and is normally controlled via the Grass Fade Launcher option (See In-Game Settings section). Here you can adjust the grass range beyond the limits possible in the Launcher menu (FalloutPrefs.ini).bDrawShaderGrass=1 - If set to 0 removes all grass from the wasteland, which obviously improves FPS in outdoor areas at the cost of realism (Fallout.ini).fGrassWindMagnitudeMax=125.0000fGrassWindMagnitudeMin=5.0000These settings determine the extent to which wind affects grass swaying.

Fallout 3 alternate start mod

For example, if you set both variables to =0, this will eliminate all grass swaying, which can improve FPS to some degree but reduces realism. Alternatively, you can raise both variables to make grass sway much more (Fallout.ini).WateriWaterReflectWidth=1024iWaterReflectHeight=1024The above variables control the width and height (i.e. The resolution) of water reflections. The higher the value for each, the more crisp and detailed reflections will be; the lower the value, the lower the detail. For example setting both of these to =256 will greatly reduce reflection detail in return for a boost in FPS around water areas. Conversely, you can raise these values to something like =2048 for an increase in reflection quality above the maximum normally possible using the in-game settings, however there will be a very sharp drop in performance around water (FalloutPrefs.ini).AudiofMainMenuMusicVolume=0.6000 - The volume of the music which plays in the background when in the game's main menu can't be adjusted anywhere in the game, except by using the Master Volume slider, which then in turn affects all sound and music.

To alter just the menu music volume independently, change the value of this variable. Note that if you try to disable the main menu music altogether using the sTitleMusic=MainTitle variable, it will likely result in a crash, so instead just set this variable to =0.0000 to effectively disable the menu music (Fallout.ini).bEnableAudioCache=1iAudioCacheSize=2048iMaxSizeForCachedSound=256bEnableAudioCache=1 - The audio cache should be enabled to ensure a reduction in stuttering, however you can fine tune how much memory the game uses to cache audio with the iAudioCacheSize=2048 variable. The cache size is in KB, so a value of 2048 = 2MB for caching audio data. You can experiment with raising this value, e.g. Double it to 4MB (=4096) to see if it further improves stuttering and audio performance in the game.

You can also alter the iMaxSizeForCachedSound=256 value to change how many sounds are cached; higher values should mean more sounds are cached. Note however that the audio system in Fallout 3 seems very sensitive, and raising these variables too high, or indeed changing other audio-related variables can result in crashes at startup or exit (Fallout.ini).Memory, Loading & Multi-threadinguInterior Cell Buffer=3uExterior Cell Buffer=36The above values determine how many cells (for interior or exterior areas as relevant) are buffered into RAM. Altering these values may help make performance smoother. For example, for 1GB of RAM you can try doubling the values (6 and 72 respectively). For 2GB of RAM, try 16 and 102 respectively. For higher amounts of RAM, try raising them higher, however note that you should also raise the iPreloadSizeLimit value below (Fallout.ini).iPreloadSizeLimit=26214400 - This setting appears to determine the maximum amount (in bytes) of RAM allowed for preloading game data. Raising the value may reduce stuttering.

The default value equates to around 25MB (divide the value of this variable by 1024 to get KB, then by 1024 again to get MB). For those with 1GB of system RAM, try doubling the variable to 52428800. For those with 2GB, try double again at 104857600 (100MB). You can raise these values even further to experiment, however note that raising this to a large amount doesn't force all the game data to sit in RAM, and can actually cause crashes.

I suggest the maximum anyone should set this to should be around 262144000 (250MB), even for 4GB of RAM or more. Also make sure to raise your Cell Buffer values accordingly (see above) (Fallout.ini).bPreemptivelyUnloadCells=0 - If set to 1, this variable attempts to unload cell data it thinks you won't need. This may help those with only 1GB of RAM, however for those with more RAM I recommend leaving it at =0 for greatly reduced stuttering. Setting this variable to =1 can also work against the benefits brought about by the other buffering/preload tweaks in this section, so again, it is not recommended (Fallout.ini).bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel=0 - If set to 1, this option removes a range of unnecessary data when you Fast Travel to another location. This can help keep memory usage down for those with less RAM, so it is recommended such people set this to =1, otherwise leave it at =0 for optimal performance on most systems (Fallout.ini).bUseHardDriveCache=1 - Although Windows should already be using your hard drive cache by default for all drive operations, setting this variable to =1 should ensure it does. Note that some people report that enabling this setting can increase stuttering, so experiment to see if it helps or makes things worse for you. If in doubt, leave it at =0 (Fallout.ini).bBackgroundLoadLipFiles=1bLoadBackgroundFaceGen=1bBackgroundCellLoads=1bLoadHelmetsInBackground=1iBackgroundLoadLoading=1bBackgroundPathing=1bBackgroundNavmeshUpdate=1bCloneModelsInBackground=1All of the above options relate to background loading to attempt to smooth FPS and reduce stutter.

I recommend setting them all to =1 if they aren't already. At worst this will do no harm, and at best it may reduce stuttering and improve performance (Fallout.ini).bUseThreadedBlood=1bUseThreadedMorpher=1bUseThreadedTempEffects=1bUseThreadedParticleSystem=1bUseThreadedAI=1bUseMultiThreadedFaceGen=1bUseMultiThreadedTrees=1bMultiThreadAudio=0iNumHavokThreads=5All of the above variables relate to the use of the GameBryo engine's multithreading capabilities.

Multithreading splits tasks into 'threads' where possible, and runs them in parallel across the cores of multi-core CPUs to potentially improve performance. Fallout 3 is already multi-threaded by default, however by enabling all these options you may gain additional performance if you run a multi-core CPU. In my testing I didn't see a dramatic improvement in CPU usage across both cores by enabling these options, nor an increase in FPS, but by the same token it can't hurt to enable them in case they provide marginal improvement. Note however that I found that setting bMultiThreadAudio=1 would cause a freeze upon exiting the game every time, so you may wish to keep this variable disabled for that reason. Indeed if you find you're having any other new problems after applying the above tweaks then revert them all to their original values as part of your troubleshooting (Fallout.ini).bUseBackgroundFileLoader=0 - This variable may improve stuttering performance on some machines if set to =1, but in the past in games like Oblivion, it was known to cause issues on some machines.

In my testing in Fallout 3 it seems to have no negative impacts, however experiment with it first and if in doubt, leave it at =0 (Fallout.ini).Update: Some dual core and quad core CPU users have said that by inserting a new command iNumHWThreads=2 under the General section of Fallout.ini, and setting it to a value of 1, 2 or 4 (typically 2), this prevents freezing at certain points in the game. In practice this setting should not be required, as it appears to restrict the number of threads used by the game, however you can experiment with different values depending on how many cores of your CPU you want the game to use.Update 2: In recent times many people have written to me and/or have also posted around the Internet that the tweaks in the Memory, Loading & Multi-threading section of the guide are either useless or harmful. I have clearly noted from day one that that these tweaks may have no impact, and having tested them myself to ensure that they aren't harmful, I mention that you can experiment with them if you wish, and reset them if you run into any problems.

The reason they are still listed here is for the sake of completeness, so I don't receive hundreds of emails telling me that my guide is 'incomplete' because I don't cover these famous tweaks.That covers the list of the most useful.ini variables I have found. Remember that I have tested all of the main variables in both.ini files, and in most cases the variables either do nothing useful, or nothing at all. That's why there are many seemingly important variables missing from the list above. If you know of any important.ini tweaks not listed above which do something useful, and importantly, you have actually tested them properly yourself (i.e. Direct screenshot and FPS comparisons), then please and I will consider including them. Again, some of the popular Fallout 3 tweaks doing the rounds right now don't actually do anything at all - people have simply taken a guess at what an option in the.ini file does based on its name and then neglect to actually test the tweak under a consistent reproducible environment.Also note that many people want 'pre-tweaked'.ini files which supposedly contain all the major customizations and optimizations.

As always, my advice to such requests is that this is totally inappropriate; using other peoples'.ini files and settings will only lead to instability and/or graphical anomalies, since many of the entries are designed specifically for each system's capabilities, and/or the.ini file author hasn't tested the.ini file out on various systems, and/or they are simply not well aware of what all the.ini settings actually do and are just guessing on the impacts based on the names of the settings. Smart tweakers who want good image quality, performance along with system stability will familiarize themselves with the variables in this section and only apply the relevant tweaks after testing them on their system.

There is no 'one size fits all' or automated approach to tweaking.The next section covers the Console Commands available for use in Fallout 3.

Author's instructionsTranslation - You are free to translate this mod to any other language, and upload to any language specific modding sites, provided you link back to my page here on the Nexus. You must also let your users know that I will not support the translated version, unless the issue they have can be reproduced in the original version first.This is both a usable mod, and a modder's resource. As a mod you can play it just fine, choosing a more roleplayer style start for the game.As a modder's resource, you can extend this mod by adding your own mod's weapons to the starting weapons lists or adding locations from you mod to the start location lists.This is NOT to be used in any compilation mods, or distributed or hosted elsewhere.

Don't even ask, because I will just tell you no anyway.If you find any bugs, please report them in the comments section, as this is where they will be checked. If it's a very long bug report, then send me a Private Message instead.You are welcome to use my scripts as a basis for your own work. You don't have to ask for permission, but I would like to know if my work helps you do something. If you don't understand any part of it, feel free to send me a PM to ask about it.

9/15/2012. Mod Supported: New Vegas Uncut: Freeside Open. Mod Supported: RobCo Certified - New Vegas (v1.12 or higher. First Major Release. Updated any reported or caught misspellings, typos, or inconsistencies. Fixed Legion Victim to have the proper health removed. Added slave collar to Legion Slave history.

Updated the amount of ammo given for primary weapons. Should get about 40% more now. Enabled and finished Brotherhood starts. Brotherhood starts will not align you with a faction, as this presented storyline problems in the game. Fixed various starts not having locations in their start lists, which would result in the player getting stuck in the start shack. More grenades will now be giving for explosive skill characters. Chance for weapon mods has been greatly reduced.

Before, each mod giving would increase the chance by 6%, now it is a flat 12% for every chance and weapon. Amount of special ammo has been increased slightly, it is no longer based on the chance of actually getting the ammo. Added an Autosave at the door, so that if anything gets messed up, you can quickly reload and try again. Added notifications to the door, Vit-O-Matic, and terminal to ensure that things are done in the correct order. Added check for NVSE, which will prevent mod use until NVSE is installed and detected properly.

Version 0.5. DESCRIPTION:Aren't you tired of starting with Doc Mitchell every time you make a new character?

Fallout 3 alternate start roleplay mod

Don't you want more options to make Fallout: New Vegas into a better role playing game? Then this is for you. Dynamic Alternative Roleplayer's Start allows you to not just create a character, but to craft a history and story for your character. Do you want to be a struggling gambler down on his luck? Got you covered.


Ever wanted to strike out on the missions of the Followers of the Apocalypse? SUGGESTED MODS:. by Me.

Stops the DLC loaded messages from showing up using level checks and distance from DLC start locations. by The-Silenced. Adds the new weapons and armor to leveled lists to be distributed throughout the game instead of given away for free.

by Yukichigai. Lets you select any of the packs to be given to you. by Pintocat. Made specifically in response to Alt Start, this mod will stop all the tutorial messages about item condition, V.A.T.S., and other things that pop up at the beginning of every new game. KNOWN ISSUES:. Sometimes you can start with no weapons, or no clothing. Simply reload the autosave to re-generate everything.

Alternate Start Mod Fallout 4

Occasionally a character will be given two of the same type of weapon, as a side arm and primary weapon. Use one to repair the other:). Due to the fact that this mod starts you out outside of Doc Mitchell's house, the DLC will consider your game started, resulting in their pop-ups ruining your start experience. I suggest you get a mod like to get around this.

Ed-E might disappear in existing saves. The reason is currently unknown, but is being looked into. Not having NVSE will cause manifest in the Race menu not showing up when activated from the Terminal. And you will be unable to leave the shack. This is not a bug, you don't meet the requirements. Existing characters made prioer to 1.5 that have Reduced Sneak, Reduced Science, or Reduced Medicine will need to start over or do player.restoreav medicine/sneak/science 9999999 to get the stat fixed.Please report any other issues you come across, so they can be fixed or added here.

INCOMPATIBILITIES:. NVEC alters parts of Quest VCG01, the same quest that Alt Start makes major edits to. Load Alt Start after NVEC, or just don't activate NVEC until you finish character creation and leave the start shack. Once past the start shack, VCG01 is finished and no longer running. Any conflicts will not matter then.

Any other mod that edits Quest VCG01. This is unavoidable in the design of Alt Start, and cannot be fixed without a patch file. Probably TTW/RFCW. I'm not sure how they handle the game start anymore, though I do have TTW and plan on testing with it soon.

Expect a patch at some point after that happens. Inspiron 15r n5110 sound drivers.

This entry was posted on 20.09.2019.