Uninstall Groove Music Player

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  1. How To Uninstall Groove Music
  2. Install Groove Music Player

I have a 1520 running Windows 10 mobile and roughly 9k songs. I use Itunes to update my music library since Groove for PC has nothing at all to help me keep my library pristine. Since Windows 10 has no syncing features for phones anymore I spent hours yesterday deleting all of the music on my phones SD card and adding my updated library onto the SD card (roughly 50gb). I should also mention that all of this was done from my Surface Book (i7,16gb ram, 512ssd).

For some reason removing my SD card wouldn't delete the songs in Groove mobile so I had to delete them manually. After it showed Groove mobile as being empty I put the SD card back in my phone with the new library and it began to sync the data from the SD card but it didn't add all of the music for some reason. So now I have 9k songs on my SD card but I'm pretty sure Groove mobile doesn't even seem to show half of it (I don't know the exact number of songs it sees because there seems to be no way to tell how many songs it has). All of the songs in my library are compatible with Groove and even playback perfectly fine when selected from file explorer on my phone but do not show up at all in Groove mobile. I cannot find anyway at all to manually get Groove to update itself or sync with the SD card.

How To Uninstall Groove Music

Secondly, every time you use a music function in your Android to control Winamp or any other third-party music player, Android’s native music player receives the same commands and starts interfering with your music. And if you happen to be a music lover, interference may cause you to smash the phone into a thousand pieces! When the Setup program is finished uninstalling Groove, restart the computer. How to uninstall Groove Virtual Office 3.x and remove all associated data. On the Options menu in the Groove Launchbar, click Preferences, and then click the Identities tab. For each identity, click No Listing for the Groove public directory and for the LAN directory.

What can I do about this? Have you tried signing out of Groove then back in?I am not a fan of iTunes since it can mess with your song files. Can you elaborate on 'updating' your music library?

Did you purchase songs from iTunes or ripped from CDs, or just downloaded them from other sources? Songs purchased in iTunes have DRM, usually not playable anywhere else except iTunes with Apple Acct. Much like Movies rented or purchased from MS Store cannot be played anywhere else except in the Movies app when signed in with our MSA.But since you say Groove desktop app works, I assume it could be Groove Mobile issue. You may need to do hard reset, since it is core app and cannot remove it. Formatting your SD card wouldn't hurt either.Another note, album art is usually also not compatible cross platform and differing apps. Have you tried signing out of Groove then back in?I am not a fan of iTunes since it can mess with your song files. Can you elaborate on 'updating' your music library?

Did you purchase songs from iTunes or ripped from CDs, or just downloaded them from other sources? Songs purchased in iTunes have DRM, usually not playable anywhere else except iTunes with Apple Acct. Much like Movies rented or purchased from MS Store cannot be played anywhere else except in the Movies app when signed in with our MSA.But since you say Groove desktop app works, I assume it could be Groove Mobile issue. You may need to do hard reset, since it is core app and cannot remove it. Formatting your SD card wouldn't hurt either.Another note, album art is usually also not compatible cross platform and differing apps.Itunes hasn't used DRM protection in years and these songs are ones I own not in the cloud, rented or anything like that. The songs that do not show up in Groove mobile are also under all different categories, some from CD rips, some purchased from itunes, some were even purchased from Groove/Xbox music and even songs from mixtapes or created by myself (I'm a music producer). When I say update I mean I've updated metadata Tags on all the songs in my library to organize it.

I do this all the time to keep my library organized. The phone was already hard reset when I updated it to windows 10 not too long ago. Maybe formating the card might help. I can try that. There aren't any errors on it though.

Uninstall groove music player windows 7

I know because I recently scanned it. My problem isn't album art. Its whole albums missing. I know they are on my SD card. I can find them and play them manually but they do not show up in groove music at all even though they are there so as of right now I need to select and play one song at a time to play most of the albums I own even though they're there.

According to this there is a limit of 50k. So you should be fine.I know there is a limit of 100 playlists for sync/backup. I'm trying to get them to remove that.I know that Groove can take some time importing a large library. Have you just let it sit a while before interacting with it?Also, have you tried using File Explorer on the files you know are missing from Groove?EDIT: I have 5k songs in my library and they all were added just fine for me.Last edited by celticmagick; at 02:07 PM. First of all, I will kindly refer you to the thread I already have going about 200GB SD card and Groove.Second of all, the issue is Groove.

All these people that are questioning the validity of your mp3s don't know what they're talking about when it comes to this issue. They probably use Groove with much smaller of a library and think it's the greatest thing in the world. Don't get me wrong, Groove has promise, but it's simply not compatible with large music collections at the moment. We just have to keep complaining about it until someone at Microsoft gets a clue and tests with a larger music collection. This is still happening. I have the newest update and I've discovered that although groove has most of my music it's still missing roughly 1k songs.

Install Groove Music Player

What's worse is the songs missing are songs I bought from groove itself. These songs don't even seem to appear available when I click streaming. What is up with groove?

Uninstall Groove Music Player

This has gone on long enough.Christopher Lindsay - the same is happening with me. I feel your pain!! I bought a 64GB Micro SD card to transfer all of my music over from my iPod to my Lumia-phone, and the same has happened!!! For no apparent reason I can figure out, it has totally omitted certain albums; on some of the larger 4CD Box-Set-Collections it has only downloaded/transferred 8 songs to Groove on my phone????? And yet when I look at the VERY SAME BOXSET ALBUM on the Groove-Music-App on my laptop/desktop, there are all the 90 songs!

Happily joggling along!!!!!I'm absolutely bloody furious about this!!!!! I have 2 options!!!!1; I wait for Microsoft to get its act together.2; I get a strong rubbber-band.

Uninstall groove music player create playlist

And then merrily strap the iPod onto the back of the Microsoft phone!! I can listen to ALL of my 34GB's of music on the Trusty and RELIABLE iPod.3; I MAKE A VIDEO OF THIS - AND PUT IT ON YOUTUBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO EVERYONE CAN SEE HOW UTTERLY USELESS GROOVE MUSIC IS!!!!! There has been an update to Groove Music!!! On some of my albums that have A LOT of tracks (e.g one of them has 89 tracks) and I am getting the missing songs.

Well there seems to be a fix!! I am getting a message in the middle of the screen with a round white circle, and an 'i' in the circle (presumably for 'information'). Anyway the message says 'Some of your music is hidden. To see everything, clear your filter', and when I click on the message to 'clear the filter' it brings up ALL of the hidden songs on the album!Sometimes you have to really BANG on the 'Clear the filter' message with your finger to get it to work! But its a step in the right direction.

This entry was posted on 11.09.2019.