Tomb Of Annihilation Adventurers League

Tomb Of Annihilation Adventurers League 3,7/5 4430 votes

Resources.Subreddit Rules.The title and the content of posts must directly relate to Dungeons & Dragons and be relevant to the Adventurers League community. Topics unrelated to AL will be removed.Do not link, suggest, or discuss piracy of any protected material, including Adventurers League content and images.Do not post direct links to PDFs. Automod will remove them. Link to the page, not the document.Do not use URL shorteners. Automod will remove them.Do not suggest or attempt to indirectly encourage cheating such as, but not limited to, falsifying logsheets or manipulating character sheet data.Harassing, threatening, derogatory, or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Be respectful of others and share your opinions in a civil and constructive manner.Item Trades must be posted in the stickied Trading Post.When posting about a specific Adventurers League adventure module, please tag your post as Spoilers. Even if you do not reveal details, the resulting discussion may.CCC and Guild Adept creators - YES, you may promote your content here!.Other Creators - Feel free to share your content here IF you can include context on why your content is relevant to AL (e.g.

The D&D Adventurer's League is an ongoing official organized play campaign for Dungeons & Dragons. It uses the fifth edition of the Dungeons & Dragons rules, and features the following settings: Forgotten Realms and Ravenloft Eberron DM Quests will be added shortly! Like the previous fifth edition D&D adventures, Tomb of Annihilation will undoubtedly be an excellent addition to your D&D library, whether you run the campaign or pluck out pieces to drop into your existing game. Season 7 of D&D Adventurers League will be based around Tomb of Annihilation as well, expanding into further adventures in Chult. The Tomb of Annihilation Art Gallery; Maps. Mike Schley has free maps of Chult right here. Dragon+ issue 15 has free maps from this adventure. More free Tomb of Annihilation maps in Dragon+ 16. DMs Guild Adept Tie-ins. Arcane Tradition: Mage Hunter; Beasts of the Wild; Cellar of Death; Druid Circle: The Spiritlord; Encounters in Port Nyanzaru; Encounters in the Jungles of Chult.

Art/map/tokens made specifically for an AL module).Posts that violate the spirit of the sub, break the sidebar rules, or encourage rule-breaking behavior will be removed and the poster may be subject to ban at the mods discretion.Related Subreddits. Congratulations AL, you have just slammed the final nail into your own coffin, with a big grin on your face because you're apparently wearing earmuffs and a blindfold that blocks out all the fan feedback.You have botched this season release more than I even have words for. This is what, the 4th Primer you've released? And your rules for this season have been so opaque and ever-changing that you had to send a representative to GenCon so you could clarify the mess in person.

Get your shit together; you're already the laughing stock of organized play leagues everywhere, and even as a devout fan it is getting extremely hard for me to defend you and try to bring new players into AL events.Continuity has been handwaved left and right in the past; Downtime Days make zero logical sense, adventures do not need to be played in order, etc. This is all fine, a slight suspension of disbelief is necessary to run an organized play league. Suddenly this is the season you decide to implement continuity!?

Tomb Of Annihilation Adventurers League

The most bonkers story effect yet (more on that later) and this is the one you decide to enforce on everyone regardless of what module they are playing. No consideration for what else they may be playing, no consideration for players who might not have access to an AL table running season 7, you just slammed the door on all of their faces. Not cool, and once again makes it even harder for me to 'evangelize' for AL Play.Are you seriously trying to tell players they can't have control over who they play? Is that really the road we're going down here? If my character dies, I am restricted to a small cadre of pregenerated characters? You're telling me I cannot build an AL-legal Level 1, or bring ANY of my other existing AL characters, to an AL table? This is a violation of your own basic rules, a gut punch to the entire premise of an organized play league, and the polar opposite of common sense fun.I have been a huge fan of AL, always encouraging players to seek out AL tables as a way to get involved with the game.

You've made mistakes, of increasing magnitude, and I've stood by through all of that. Death Curse is an extremely cool plot element in concept, and I continued to defend you as many have thrown shit your way because of it. But the devil is in the details, and your horrible decisions on the finite mechanical elements have murdered what could have been a very cool season. I have already watched 2 DMs quit AL at my local shop because of this document, and though I was strongly looking forward to my turn as a player after DMing for SKT, I am seriously reconsidering. I can certainly guarantee that unless there is a positive change, I certainly won't be returning to the DM chair and will instead devote my time to running home campaigns.

Okay, help me out here.When it says:A character choosing this option can’t play Tomb ofAnnihilation, or any Season 7 Tier 1 or 2adventures—with or without a surrogate; thesedoors to adventure are forever closed to them.By 'this option' does it mean everything under Waiting It Out or just starting a Tier 3 or 4 non-hardcover adventure?That is, is a character who retires from adventuring until after Acererak is defeated permanently enjoined from playing ToA? If so, does that mean anyone who wants to play ToA with an existing character needs to do so before January 2018?And what about characters created after Janurary 2018? Can they ever play ToA?.

Tomb Of Annihilation Adventurers League

Jason,My name is Brian Payne.I'd love to play, but I have 0 experience with PbF and no knowledge of 5e (although I played 4e extensively and would catch up on 5e rules needed if I ended up playing).On the upside, I will be around every workday and am happy to post regularly.Thanks,BrianHi Brian! That's not a problem at all. We love new players in these parts!Feel free to take a look at the free basic rules for 5e here:Many of the people who play PbF games here are really helpful with new players, so don't worry about not having played before. I realize I'm horrible at narrowing down players with these kinds of things (I was the kid who, when given the option to pick children for my team in gym class, was sad I couldn't pick EVERYONE).So I'll say this: let me know if you have a preference for the hardcover or the serialized AL adventures, and maybe toss a character idea or two in as well.I'd have a slight preference towards the hardcover (because I've never played one of the 5e hardcovers!).Character-wise I would love to play a human or elven paladin. Somewhat of a holier-than-thou (but not TOO obnoxious LOL) knight, who perhaps has a prior connection to another member of the party.

I'm thinking maybe a church connection with a cleric in the party. He might also be a little suspicious of any warlocks / assasins / wizards, etc. q='jasonpanella'Character-wise I would love to play a human or elven paladin. Somewhat of a holier-than-thou (but not TOO obnoxious LOL) knight, who perhaps has a prior connection to another member of the party. I'm thinking maybe a church connection with a cleric in the party.

He might also be a little suspicious of any warlocks / assasins / wizards, etc.I'm not thinking of anything downright hostile, but just a chilly relationship with 1 or 2 members of the party. A bit of tension to make some nice roleplaying opportunities.

Tomb Of Annihilation Minis

Re: D&D 5e: Tomb of Annihilation (Adventurers League)Thanks for the encouragement.I'm most interested in the hardcover.Looked over (quickly) the SRD for 5e, and a wiki paragraph on Chult, I was thinking a human or dwarf (not sure if wild drawfs are a thing in 5e) Druid or Cleric of Thard Harr (jungle deity). On second thought, though, I don't know Chult (or Forgotten Realms) lore now, and I'm not sure how much Jason wants to be discovery, so maybe no one will be a native. However, if Jason lets/wants me to read some sort of source about the flora/fauna of Chultean jungles, which I'd be happy to do, it might be fun to help exposition.In the alternative, I am interested in a cleric, though, perhaps with connections to Joe's character (sent from two different branches of the church to the same mission area)?

Depending on how you (Joe) want to build your character's personality, might support a more 'spiritual/conciliatory' vs. Crusader type dynamic between the two. This might work particularly well if Joe goes elven and I play human, where differences in church strategy could reflect some differences in racial branches of the church. Re: D&D 5e: Tomb of Annihilation (Adventurers League)I'd love to give this a shot if there's room.

Does each player need to buy the source materials? Or is it sufficient to have access to the PBH and other basic resources?I know little enough about the Adventurer's League stuff that I'll take whatever is available.As for a character idea, perhaps a mildly incompetent hedge-Wizard? One who travels from town to town offering his or her services for a small fee, but usually has to leave sooner than he would like when the towns people start to realize that his spells don't always work as advertised.

(don't know quite whether all that can be captured by character design, but it sounds like a fun character to play). Looked over (quickly) the SRD for 5e, and a wiki paragraph on Chult, I was thinking a human or dwarf (not sure if wild drawfs are a thing in 5e) Druid or Cleric of Thard Harr (jungle deity). On second thought, though, I don't know Chult (or Forgotten Realms) lore now, and I'm not sure how much Jason wants to be discovery, so maybe no one will be a native. However, if Jason lets/wants me to read some sort of source about the flora/fauna of Chultean jungles, which I'd be happy to do, it might be fun to help exposition.To be honest, I know zilch about Chult! But I'm going to learn a lot in short order.I'm fine with characters from Chult or the more traditional Forgotten Realms environs (the Sword Coast, Dalelands, etc.).

Like Jim if you are over subscribed with eager young first timers, Jason, I'm happy to bow out and let them experience the wonders of PbF!I'll throw my hat in this pile too. I'd love to be at your table but if it's me or someone new then take the new player (when do I stop being a new player anyway??? Maybe I'm STILL a new player!!!!)That said with the setting in play I'm thinking along the lines of a Druid addicted to bad puns, too much time alone with the squirrels has driven him a little.nuts. Seems like it would fit well with a jungle theme.edit: The jungle druid caresses the hardcover edition with a slightly stalkerish grin, I hear you can be hard to get into, don't be shy, just a little peek maybe?

This entry was posted on 10.09.2019.