How To Connect Piano To Computer

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  1. How To Connect Steinway Piano To Computer

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But we will still continue to offer our guarantee for your own peace of mind. We are shipping our bundle without keyboard FREE.Shipping charges are applied to bundles with keyboard. Due to the size of the keyboard package, cost of shipping may be expensive, especially outside of the United States.We strongly recommend that you purchase our bundle WITHOUT KEYBOARD and obtain a keyboard either locally, or online like at You may be able to get free shipping on your keyboard there.If you have keyboard questions, feel free to contact us or initiate a chat if a rep is online.

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MIDI or Audio Recording? First, let’s get a common confusion out of the way. Many people get confused about the difference between making a MIDI connection from their keyboard and actually recording the live sound of it (audio recording).If you want to record the sound of your keyboard, then a MIDI connection will not do the job. A MIDI interface will only transmit your performance data (i.e. which notes you have played, how loudly you played them etc). This MIDI information can be used to play software instruments on your computer. But it is not a recording of the sound!Wanna do both? If your keyboard already has the USB-MIDI connection then you can already record MIDI.

To connect your keyboard to your computer, you first need to make sure your keyboard has either a USB port or MIDI ports. You will then need a corresponding cable to connect your keyboard to your computer: If you have a USB port, you will need a USB A to B cable. If you have MIDI ports, you'll need a MIDI to USB cable. If the keyboard has an aux/speaker output, take a standard 1/4'-1/8' cable and connect it from the keyboard into the line in jack on your computer's sound card. Click here to add your own comments. Join in and write your own page! It's easy to do.

So all you need is an interface to record the sound. If your keyboard does not have USB MIDI, but has standard MIDI ports, then choose an interface with MIDI and Audio (see the iRig Pro Duo or the Audiobox iTwo above). That way you can do MIDI AND Audio. Your USB To Host Will NOT Record The Sound! And one more thing.

If you can connect your piano or keyboard to your computer via a USB lead then in most cases this will only by a MIDI connection. To record the sound you will need to follow our steps below.Still confused about the difference between MIDI and Audio recording? Here is a short video that hopefully shows you the difference!If after that you realise you want to make a MIDI recording then read our other post on from your piano or keyboard. Or if you are still raring to go, then here is our simple step-by-step method to how your record your live performance! And if you are itching to know more about MIDI then will help. Step 1: Check Where The Sound Is Coming FROM Your digital piano, electronic keyboard or synthesizer may have speakers. But to record you need to find the line level output(s).Check the manual/instruction booklet, or look online for the connectivity of your keyboard model. It may have something labelled ‘Aux Out’ or ‘Line Out’.

This information will appear in the ‘Specs’ section. It might be labelled L/L+RR, or (MAIN) L/MONO, R: 1/4″ TRS Balanced.Or, as is often the case with less expensive keyboards, it may be that the only output is actually a headphone output. You can record from the headphone out if there is nothing else available. Step 2: Will You Record On Computer, Laptop, iPhone or iPad? (Or All The Above!) In step 3, you will for the job of recording your keyboard.

The audio interface is simply the box you need to take the sound from your keyboard, convert it to a digital signal, and transmit it to your computer. (If you want, read more on ).

But there is NO POINT buying an audio interface for a Laptop if you only want to record on an iPad. So think carefully where you want to make the recordings. Or for most flexibility, choose an interface that will work with more than one device. Step 3: Choose A Suitable Audio Interface To Record The Signal You will need some kind of audio interface to make a decent quality recording of your piano or keyboard. There are literally hundreds available, at all different prices. So here is the critical things your interface must have: 2 x line level inputs.

Without line level inputs you will not be able to make a good recording of your keyboard.While you are choosing, think what else you might want to do with the interface. Record vocals? Make sure your interface has at least one mic input (this will be an XLR input with mic pre-amp). Record guitar? To record acoustic you can use a mic.

To record direct, make sure the interface has a Hi-Z input suitable for directly connecting the guitar (it will often have a picture of a guitar next to it!). Step 4: Get Connected With The Right Cables If I could count the number of messages I get asking me which cable to buy. The answer is it depends. So do your homework. Look at the OUTPUTs of your keyboard and the INPUTs of your interface. The correct cable is simply the one (or more) that will join the two things together!If you have L and R 1/4″ outputs and L and R 1/4″ inputs, then you need 2 x 1/4″ mono TS cables. Or if the outputs and the inputs are both BALANCED (the manual will state this) then you need 2 x 1/4″ mono TRS cables.If you are connecting your headphone out – or your aux out is a single stereo port, then you will need a splitter cable of the right size.

This will take the stereo output of the keyboard and split it into two mono channels – left and right – on your interface. Step 5: Recording Software Do not get too hung up about the recording software at this stage. Make sure you get the hardware right first (see steps 1-4). Chances are, the audio interface will ship with some recording software that you can use to record. OR there are plenty of free or inexpensive apps. On a Mac or Windows Laptop or computer, you can use Audacity. This is free – and excellent.

And easy to use. Or on a Mac you can use Garageband. There are plenty of free or inexpensive recording apps for iPads and iPhones.

Garageband is great for Apple products.Not too pleased with the sound? Read our in-depth guide to. You may be making fundamental recording mistakes that can be easily corrected with a little more knowledge. Step 6: Listen To The Results When you record through an audio interface you will usually listen to your recordings back through the interface.

So you will almost certainly plug your or into the headphone or audio outputs of the interface. The exception would be if you have a recording interface that does not have outputs.If you want to record the actual sound of your keyboard on your computer then you need to connect the line out (or headphone out if no line out) from your keyboard up to your pc, mac or ipad. The way you do this really depends on your budget.We have divided this article into four sections:. Spending the minimum:. A Better Solution:. THE Best Way To Record Keyboard:.

Kickstart Your Home Studio: (this is the easiest way to get started. For Keyboard players we particular recommend the. Contains everything you need – except for the cables to connect your keyboard to the interface – and has MIDI i/o as well). Better: Entry Level Dedicated Recording Interface For Keyboards What if you are looking for a cost effective and reasonable quality solution, and want to spend just a little bit more? Then for a small investment you could purchase the, with appropriate connection cable for your keyboard.

The will connect your keyboard straight to your USB port, bypassing your existing soundcard and outputs studio quality stereo, 16-bit, 48 kHz digital audio. All you need is the correct cable(s) for your keyboard.

This may be 2 x jack to RCA, or a Y-Cable depending on your keyboard. And again this will also work on an iPad with the appropriate.The disadvantage. You can only use it to record the sound of your keyboard, or other line out instruments. Nothing more. So it does one job well. But if you are looking for a more complete home recording studio set-up then read on.

Best: Getting A High Quality Professional Recording Result With An Audio Interface To get the best recording quality recording result, invest in a professional audio interface – and if you don’t know what that is then we have written a complete beginners guide on. Choose one with line inputs. Then pick the appropriate cables to link from the audio output of your keyboard to the inputs of the interface. Choose a good brand like Focusrite or Presonus. They may cost a little more but will give you a good quality recording result.At the entry level, my personal favourite audio interface for recording your digital piano or keyboard is the which you can. Why that one? It is well priced and is the only one at this price point that also has MIDI i/o as well as dual audio inputs.

So you can record the sound of your keyboard, but you can also make a MIDI connection. And it is cross platform.Focusrite, M-Audio and Presonus also make fantastic all-in-one recording bundles which are fantastic if you want a complete solution with mic, interface and software (scroll on down to see them )If you go to the, then look at the videos which show you how to record using a professional audio interface. This is my preferred method and will definitely give you the best result. You can view the specific videos which show you exactly how to record your keyboard with a professional interface by watching the videos below, that I have put together in a playlist. The Total Set-Up: All-In-One Home Recording Studio PackagesBuying an all-in-one home recording studio package can be a great way to record your keyboard on your computer, and have the option of recording vocals and maybe guitar. Most of the good manufacturers put together packs that contain an audio interface, microphone and headphones all in one box.

The benefits of this are: it will usually work out cheaper than buying the items separately; you know the separate items will be compatible with each other and there will be one set of instructions to follow; they all come with good software packages as well. Here are a few recommendations – all perfect for recording your keyboard then layering your vocals on top. Also good for guitars and other instruments.

This is a professional review site and if you buy anything recommended through Music Repo, we may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you. We are experts in Music Technology and thoroughly research all the products and services we write about in our posts.

We are independently owned and the opinions expressed here are our own. For further details. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and the Amazon EU Associates Programme, affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to,,,,,, and affiliated sites. Thanks for all you do to start with. Pretty awesome here.

I will be joining your mailing list. I just purchased audiobox Ione and I have a yamaha P105. I have a mic and am ready to set this up. I would like to use some of the keyboards in Studio One 3 but, it keeps asking me for a midi connection. I purchased it at Sam Ash where the sales rep told me I could record both the mic and the keyboard with no problem.

Which is good just with the recording stuff but would like to do more than one track if possible also. Thanks in advance.Kenny.Jane Sherratt. My problem is similar to Pogoxd. I have a Yamaha PSR E413.For recording I am a beginner.I connected the keyboard with a simple audio cable (MAPLIN), with adapter to the keyboard out-jack and the other end to the line-in jack (blue) of my computer (Win 7 with RealTek soundcard).I opened Audacity and clicked record button and played for a bit on the keyboard (as you said the sound is muted). But the recording was mostly a straight line with feeble bumps.Playing back gave no sound.So it seems that a simple cable is not enough.Jane Sherratt.

Hi, so I just looked at this keyboard and see the only audio output is the headphone socket, so I guess you are recording from that? Unfortunately the only way to hear will be to disconnect the y-cable as I guess that plugging into the headphone socket mutes the sound. Unless perhaps you add another link in the chain and get a headphone splitter so that you can plug headphones in as well as the y-cable convertor? Seems a bit convoluted but might work. Right now I am creating a step-by-step course on recording keyboard, so if you are interested make sure you subscribe so you get a notification when it is ready.

I will try the headphone splitter out myself to see if it is a viable option Regards Jane.Tim. Hi JaneI have a Yamaha P-105 with a USB-to-Host connection port (as well as line-level AUX outputs) and would love to know whether there is a ‘simple’ way to record my stuff to a pc. There is no midi port. The keyboard does allow one to record one song internally for playback purposes etc, but that’s about it. It only stays in memory till it is overwritten by your next recording. To say that I am technically challenged, is putting it mildly! I noticed in a previous post that you mentioned Audacity as recording software one can use in the process as well, which sounds good.Any advice would be much appreciated.RegardsTim.Jane Sherratt.

Hi TimI am in the middle of creating a complete step-by-step course on recording keyboard, so if you hop onto my mailing list (go to home page and subscribe there is easiest) then you will be contacted when it is available. Meanwhile, to record your keyboard in Audacity you will need to connect the audio out of your keyboard to a suitable audio interface connected to your computer to get the best result. The USB connection will transmit MIDI, the line level AUX output will be the output you will need to connect to the interface. Watch this space, obviously a lot of people struggle with the basics of this so I will be hoping to make it clearer!.Robert. Hi Rob, the USB connection is only to transfer MIDI data back and forth, it will not allow you to record the sound of your piano. If you want to record the sound of your piano you will have to connect the headphone output (I think that is the only audio output on this piano) to an audio interface so you can record.

Set up your recording software to record (Audacity or something similar would do) and start recording then make the video as usual. At the beginning of the video, play one note three times with a slight pause in between. It’s not quite a clapper board but should help you align the audio you record on your computer with the video on your phone in your video editing software. Once it is aligned you can separate out the audio from the video that you recorded on your phone and delete the phone audio.

It’s going to be a bit of a fiddle but it is possible. Hope that helps a bit. Watch out for a page update I am going to try and make a step by step guide to doing this.Jazzee Rae. Hi JaneI have Casio CTK 810in Keyboard. It has USB connectivity with PC(USB type: B).

It’s GM level 1 MIDI Compatibility. I know how to record the sound of it to PC.

My questions are 1. Can i connect it directly to any production software say-Ableton live or Magix music maker with USB?2. Can i use it as a MIDI keyboard for the software above mentioned with or without using MIDI interface?Currently i’m using it with a mixer with inbuilt audio interface to record my tunes in PC.Thanks a lot.Jane Sherratt. Hi Jane,I have a Yamaha P-80 digital keyboard.

I saw your comment about how the MIDI does not actually record the actual sound or song I want to record. So I was going to purchase the Alesis LineLink AudioLink Series Dual-1/4-inch-to-USB-Cable. The question is do I need additional software to make the recording? I just want to record the song, have a file of that song and put it on my iphone or computer. The P-80 has 2 headphone jacks. Not sure if I’ll need to use both jacks or just one.Thanks,Phil.Jane Sherratt.

You can record using a simple recording program such as Audacity, which is free and very easy to use. You can then export as an MP3 (see instructions on Audacity site for how to do this) and play it back on your phone etc. The problem you may have is the 2 headphone jacks will both be stereo outputs, the Linelink as mono left and right. If you use that Linelink you will need to purchase a Y-Cable to allow you to plug a stereo jack into one of the headphone sockets, that splits to two mono sockets for the Linelink Such as this one: the Hosa YPP-117.Phil Blake.

Jane I have a Yamaha PSR 293 keyboard and I have it connected to my laptop via USB. I am already using my laptops headphone out ports to larger speakers so I can hear and record sounds on my laptop from my keyboard. The keyboard has a button saying “PC” I selected this using PC1 (assuming since its connected to my PC). I am using FL Studio 11 to record any sounds. In order to get sound into FL Studio 11 from my keyboard would I need to:1) Select anything unique on my laptops soundcard2) Use a USB interface and connect keyboard to the interface using the 1/4 port3) Or change something in FL Studio to allow sounds to come inThanks for your time. Your very informative.Sanj Mann.Jane Sherratt. I have a Yamaha P-105B and I am interested in recording my improvisations.

How to connect piano to computer screen

I am currently using a Nokia 808 Pureview with High Amplitude Audio Capture microphone (Dynamic range up to 107 Db) and it works pretty well. I saw a Line 6 backtrack + Mic for sale and it looked like it might be the perfect tool for me but it is intended mostly for guitar players and I haven’t read about anyone using it with a digital piano.I am concerned if I could actually plug my digital piano to the device and record directly via 1/4 (and at the same time hear the music coming out from my Yamaha P105 speakers off course) and if it would be better than the mic recording with the room sound (I like to play using the sustain pedal most of the time). I have a Creative Soundblaster X-fi XtremeMusic board on my computer and I have done some recordings with line in but for some reason the sound on the room recorded with mic is a little bit richer than what the line in recording.Thanks for replying and for the job done here,Kind Regards,Francisco.Jane Sherratt. Hi Francisco, the Soundblaster is recording a very ‘dry’ signal. Try applying some reverb and EQ in your DAW software.

How To Connect Steinway Piano To Computer

The reason the mic sounds richer is it is capturing some of the natural reverb of your room. If you want to upgrade your interface look for one with good quality line-in, rather than one which is dedicated to guitar. Many interfaces will do both very well though. Stick with a good brand like Tascam, Focusrite, etc and you should get a nice quality result. But you will still be recording ‘dry’ so will need to apply effects when mixing your recording to get the sound you want. Regards Jane.Derek Jones.

Jane, I am so Happy I found your articles here!! I’ve been looking for answers for many years as well. I did start using Midi since it all started in the 80’s. But I could Never Grasp the entire concept. At the top of this article you mentioned recording the actual sounds from the keyboard Only, not through the Midi software. Doing this always screwed me up.

Because I would play a sound from the keyboard onto Track 1 of software, ok. Then record another track on 2 with a different sound, again an actual keyboard sound. Then track 3, channel 3, etc. Then sometimes when I played the recorded tracks back as the song I just made, sometimes i’d get the Wrong sounds now playing on the tracks! Like a piano sound was on Channel 1, track 1, I’d hear maybe a flute playing back when the whole song is played back!

This always baffled me on how to fix it. Then would do so many adjustments in the software along with the keyboard, then mess everything up, then I’d give up for weeks, and try the whole song making process all over again, just making it worse. But seeing this article and mentioning connecting the Keyboard to the computer using the cable you described, along with using the sounds Only from the keyboard, is what I always wanted! Now, do I still use a Midi software program even though it’s Not really Midi, or is it still? Because I still want a program that I can use a track at a time, with each different picked sound at a time from my keyboard.

Then on one of the tracks I would use my drum machine kit on, you know? Or the drums/rhythms that are built in the keyboard. I use to use Cakewalk years ago. Now I use Sony Acid Music Studio 8. But again this is all the Midi thing. So again do I still use a Midi software program for recording the way I mentioned?

I am also thinking about skipping all this computer/midi stuff and getting out my Tascam 4 track cassette recorder that stored, which does the recording in a simple way. Please Help me or anyone else that can comment!!?? Thanks Much!.Jane Sherratt. Hi JerryMost DAW recording software will let you record MIDI tracks and Audio tracks. Sony now have a later version of Acid but according to the blurb on their site “ACID™ Music Studio is the perfect tool for loop-based music creation, audio recording, MIDI production, effects processing, and studio-quality mixing” so you should be able to do both MIDI and audio recording. Refer to the manual for the software and make sure you are creating the right kind of track for what you want.

Regards Jane.Jane Sherratt. HiYou should be able to connect your Casio to the mic/line input on your laptop, and select it as the recording input in Audacity. You must make sure you pick the input port and not the built-in microphone. You can do this in the Edit-Preferences dialog box in Audacity or you should see the available inputs and outputs as drop down options above the recording timeline. I don’t think the USB cable will work to record the sound – it probably just enables you to make a MIDI connection to transmit performance data.

Regards Jane. Hi Jane, thank you for all your informations on this website!I bought two mono-cables and connected my Roland E-500 to my external device “Audiobox USB” and I managed to record the stereo sound of it to my computer. But I wish to monitor my recordings through my headphones only. Unfortunately the speakers of my keyboard are playing as well. I tried both ways- using the headphone output of the soundcard: the keyboard´s speakers also make sounds. Using the headphone output of my keyboard: No sound comes out of the headphones AND through the internal speakers.

The headphone-output is not broken – it works when the audio-output cables are not connected.I would be happy if you knew how to solve this problem as I don´t want to annoy my housemates. Thank you!.Jane Sherratt. The USB cable will only be transmitting MIDI data, so you need to use some sort of MIDI software to benefit from hooking up the keyboard via USB. You could then create sounds with virtual instruments. Try something like Reaper (extended free trial). If you want to actually record the sound of the keyboard then you will need to connect the PHONES/OUTPUT to an audio interface with appropriate line level inputs – you’ll almost certainly need a splitter cable to connect the stereo output to the left and right inputs and then you should be able to get a good quality recording.

Hope that helps.Sudheer Kumar. I’d need to connect USB MIDI interface (from digital piano) to both main desktop and (auxiliary) laptop. Another USB MIDI interface, from piano MIDI In & Out, isn’t feasible, practically. And for an additional, smaller digital piano neither money nor space is available.Simplest would be (to my mind, anyway) some sort of adapter, at the interface’s USB end, that allows the connection to branch out (in a Y shape, basically). Would you know if such an aid is in existence? I think an ordinary hub won’t do here.Jane Sherratt.

Hi jane I got a Yamaha xs8 and a ur22 USB audio interface, the ur22 got line 1 and 2 input, I got a y cable that split the stereo signal and I connect then to the line 1 and 2 but the sound I get is not the same like went I use the headphones connected directly to the keyboard. Then I got a Yamaha audiogram6 this one has 2 line input and 2 mono left and right line inputs I connect the y cable from the stereo output keyboard to the mono r/l and it sounds great y buy the ur22 because is 24bit and the audiogram is 16bits, but now I got this stereo quality sound issue what can I do!!?.Jane Sherratt.

Hello Jane,You may be the very person for solving a compatibility issue.I recently acquired Garritan Jazz & Big Band. It’s Windows only, as per usual. And for instrument reproduction, a MIDI interface is necessary, of course.Of my piano keyboards, the smallest (ca 5 octaves) is a Gem, equipped with MIDI In & Out -and, hence, in use for general MIDI duties. For Garritan Jazz & Big Band, however, I’d like to bring an old electric 88 spring key piano back (brand unknown) into the fold.

Yet this was built in pre-MIDI times, originally, so the only output here is jack (the big’un – to connect an amp, for instance).My regular USB MIDI interface (e.g. Between Gem and PC) has 2 DINs, at one end, marked In and Out. So if these are to work with the electric 88 spring key piano, I’d need something to fill the gap between piano jack and MIDI interface DINs.I hope you’ll be able to shed some light on what this might be.Regards,PeterOf fairly recently, a US company called Jam Origin introduced a (PC) application called MIDI Guitar. This allows guitar players to turn instruments into MIDI controllers, simply by plugging a guitar lead into the computer and adjusting four sessions. The same applies to bass and violin as well; but for piano not (yet).Jane Sherratt.

Since I’m a native Dutch speaker myself, I think I may be of assistance here. The gentleman asking the question seems to understand English, to a degree, but unable to write in that language.

Therefore, I assume that he is elderly or advanced in age and, in my personal impression, not well-versed in modern technology. So perhaps Jane might be so kind to copy my Dutch-language posting, below, to an email. Later on, and send it over.Ik begrijp dat u muziek die u op digitale piano maakt in Audacity, op uw laptop, wilt opnemen. Dat is echt heel simpel.Zoals Jane al zei: Audacity werkt zonder moeilijk gedoe met MIDI. MIDI kan wel, op zich (Audacity heeft er de instellingen voor), maar het is behoorlijk ingewikkeld om dat voor elkaar te krijgen. Uw MIDI interface kabel zal in de toekomst echter vast nog eens voor MIDI applicaties van pas komen.Als het goed is vindt u aan de zijkant uw laptop, naast elkaar, twee gaatjes. Dat zijn de HOOFDTELEFOON-uitgang en de MICROFFOON/LIJN-ingang, respectievelijk.

In allebei past een 3.5mm stekkertje – ook wel mini-jack genoemd.Van de hoofdtelefoonuitgang van uw digitale piano gaat er vervolgens een kabel naar de MICROFOON/LIJN-uitgang van uw laptop. Maar als er phono in- en uitgangen (rood en wit gekleurde contactjes voor audiostekkertjes die in Nederland vaak “tulp” worden genoemd), op uw piano aangebracht zijn – zoveel te beter: dat zal de kwaliteit van het geluid van uw piano ten goede komen.Er zijn doorgaans vier phono in- en uitgangen naast elkaar, twee gemerkt In en twee gemerkt Out. Als dat inderdaad het geval is, dan hebt u een verbindingskabel nodig met een rode en witte “tulp” aan het ene eind en een mini jack aan het andere. Desgewenst kunt u voorts de hoofdtelefoonuitgang van uw laptop met de versterker van uw sterro-installatie verbinden. In dat geval gaan de “tulpen” in de betreffende (rode en witte INgang van uw versterker, en de minijack in de hoofdtelefooningang van uw laptop.Verder dient u dan nog Audacity in te stellen.

Ik ga er gemakshalve van uit dat u Windows als operationeel systeem benut.Onmiddelijk onder de bedieningsknoppen, in de linkerbovenhoek, staan vier smalle, langwerpige vakjes, met een pijltje naar beneden rechts van ieder. Als u op dat pijltje klikt, roept u een menuutje op.Het meest linkse (of dat ernaast) toont drie opties voor ingebouwde Windows geluidssystemen. Bovenste en onderste vermelden meestal MMS of Wasapi.

De middelste wil nogal eens varieren.Het keuzemenuutje daar weer naast toont, opnieuw, een aantal opties. Welke het beste werkt in combinatie met de voorgaande is een kwestie van uitproberen. Dat is voor iedere laptop verschillend. En het vakje ernaast tenslotte dient om opname in mono of stereo in te stellen.Voor verdere vragen: ik geloof dat er een Nederlandstalige handleiding is (verkrijgbaar via sourceforge). En dan nog een nuttige tip.Het gebeurt wel eens dat Audacity-geluidstoevoer zichzelf uitschakelt. Ga dan naar Sound in uw systeem.

Daar zult u vermoedelijk vinden dat de Audacity INgang zichzelf spontaan op ‘Mute’ gezet heeft. Een simpele muisklik (links) breit dat weer recht.Succes!Peter.Jane Sherratt.

Hi, Jane.I was wondering two things concerning connections; both concern using a keyboard with usual midi in and out as a controller. Suppose I use a USB/Midi cable to connect a keyboard to my computer USB port, would it have the same final effect as using, for example, a midi controller in a direct USB-USB connection? Some time ago the latency issues used to make it completely unworthy and put us all to stick with a sound card with midi ins, however, considering today’s USB 3.0 port (in case it matters, I’m not sure), would I be ok using my keyboard as controller through such a connection in terms of quality? I’m asking because I’m not 100% sure about buying a synth or a midi controller.

But I’d go for the synth just in case the midi-usb was quality ensured as I want to buy a separate quality sound card, but a little later.Second, considering that I’ve chosen the synth, are there models that make it possible to have the same USB-USB connection that midi controllers provide so that I avoid the midi-USB connection I was asking about above?Thanks a lot!.Jane Sherratt. Hi Rebecca, I am assuming this is a Yamaha digital piano as you talk about cables?

The ideal way to record it will be via an interface with suitable inputs for the line outputs of the piano. The cable(s) you use will depend on the output of the piano (does it have a stereo output or does it have left and right out) and the inputs of the interface. Without knowing the exact model I can’t specify, so refer to the manual of the piano or look carefully at the outputs. Does it just have a stereo headphone socket, or does it have more thank that? You can split the stereo signal into left and right.

Many interfaces will have a left and right input, quarter inch jack. But again without knowing what equipment you have cannot be exactly specific. The way to avoid damaging any equipment is by making sure all the volumes are down to zero when connecting up and gradually increasing the volume.

I have a Yamaha PSR E313 keyboard. All I wanted to do is connect it to my PC’s microphone jack from it’s head-out jack. I connected the lead wire (6.1mm – 6.1mm) to my synth. Then I used a 6.1mm – 3.5mm converter jack to directly connect it to my PC. Now I downloaded a certain home studio-recording software. When I played and recorded the first time, I was quite disappointed ‘coz along with my keyboard’s sound, it recorded the surrounding “Whiz—whizz–buzzz” sound, which happens usually when I am recording a voice directly on my phone, through the phone’s in-built sound recording software. Previously, I downloaded nTrack Studio and it worked way better than I had imagined with my guitar.

So I sought to try it out with my synth as well.Now my wish is to have a multi-track audio recording software so that I can record a complete song using only my keyboard. But at the same time, the only possible way for me to connect my keyboard to the PC seems to be the one I just mentioned.Please tell me whether there is a problem with my software, or sound card, or the arrangement used to do the stuff.Waiting for response.Thanks.P.S.

How to connect casio piano to computer

Please email for it may not be possible for me check out this website later on again.Jane Sherratt. Hi, I don’t think it will be the software that is the problem. To improve the quality I would look at buying a USB audio interface and connect the keyboard to the line in. At a budget level something like the Lexicon Alpha is a really nice quality device for a few pounds. If you want one with MIDI too then the M-Audio MTrack is good for a little bit more. Then you will need a cable that splits the headphone stereo out to L and R mono signals.

If you invest in a small device like that it will improve the recording quality hugely. The PC input is designed for Skype type mics really and is perfect for that but not for any more serious recording. Hope that helps. Good luck with that.Greg. I have the same questions as PogoXD. Thanks for your answer.

It was helpful.I am planning on getting a Korg Pa600 keyboard. The back of which looks like this:Let’s say I am getting Lexicon Alpha.What type of a wire do I need to successfully link the keyboard to Lexicon to PC? Can you point me to the required wire(s) model/type on Amazon?

I am pretty much new to keyboard to PC connectors and I would appreciate your help. Don’t want to buy the wrong wire by mistake, as this is already a huge investment!Greg.Jane Sherratt. Hi, I assume that because you have been looking at Finale you want to write songs in notation format. Finale is a fantastic program but it is very well featured and expensive – probably way more than you need for simple songs, so have a look at their much cheaper Songwriter software which is a cut down version at a much more affordable price.

You can still make audio records that you could upload for your teacher to hear, or you could send them the exported sheet music. I am also assuming that you could easily use your Casio as a MIDI controller if it is connected up to your computer. Songwriter has a built in synth so you can export an audio file from it. Or, you could play the composition back out through your Casio and record that if you wanted.

Hope that helps!Primary Sidebar.

This entry was posted on 05.10.2019.