All The Things Wow Addon

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ALL THE THINGS will help you with your endeavor by giving you the ability to track your completion for everything. Features Supports tracking of Appearances, Illusions, Mounts, Pets, Toys, Music Rolls, and Titles. Now that you're all set up, let's take a look at some great addons to try. All of these addons (except ElvUI) can be found in the Twitch app, but I've also linked to sites where you can manually.

Let me start off by saying that I’m not an advocate of many addons, but wanted to discuss here specifically the problems with a user made LFG like addon.Assuming these are created for vanilla by the community all it would allow is people to make groups faster.There is no teleporting to dungeon. The dungeons are still difficult and require communication, such as when to sap, sheep, cc mobs. Loot rules will still need to be communicated and agreed.All the addon would do is reduce chat spam nonsense for “LF2M Scholo - 2 dps no warriors, all loot reserved”.There is no less community with an addon that groups 1 tank, 1 healer, and 3 dps together instantly.

You still need to run to the dungeon, likely hop on discord, and discuss loot rules.I’m assuming a group finder addon in a simplistic sense won’t be able to see your gear score, because that information isn’t available, so it won’t negatively weed out any players based on that.Curious on what the negatives are of such an addon. Usually LFG addons entail creating the party for you That removes a layer of socialization.It also creates a potential future problem in that many people are coming to wow classic to get away from things that because they (me included) feel it’s one of the things that ruined the game. If the adoption rate of such an addon becomes to high those players may be forced to use something they are trying to avoid or be cut out of a large portion of the community. It also act to split the community whihc is a bad thing.

Comment by LisalvIt's pretty decent. It doesn't always track everything correctly.

Like for example, Black Temple isn't 100% for me because its listing Tier 5 look-alike PVP set as a potential drop from the Tier 6 tokens. But considering the amount of items/places that this addon keeps track of, a hiccup or two is to be expected. A manual blacklist/hide option would've been pretty nifty.

All The Things Mod Wow

Like Modificer+Click on a group/item in the list to remove it. (unless there already is one and Ive just missed it)The interface is a wee bit of a mess as well, but otherwise this is probably the best addon for collectors.

Comment by GaltharielAs a completionist I've installed this addon a couple months ago and LOVED:-) I have only one toon since 2004 when I start playing WoW which is a Druid and therefore a leather user (I have a couple other toons but to act as Bank only). A couple days ago and I don't know what happen.maybe I mess with something or it's a another addon that is conflicting with ATT but when I mouse over Bosses the tooltip is showing all kind of gear I don't have including the ones that is not for my class such as Plate, Mail and even weapons like Bows, Swords, etc. It's showing.

In the Tooltip Tab of the ATT Interface/Settings the only thing I've unchecked is the 'Show Relevant' and everything else is checked. Thanks in advance and congratulations for your mod. It's really awesome:-).

This entry was posted on 25.09.2019.