Star Wars Jedi Guardian

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Contents Jedi Guardian ' We Guardians are the Republic's first line of defense against the thousand enemies who seek to destroy it.' ―Guardian describes the role of the Guardians in a chapter of A Jedi Guardian was the name given to one of the three distinct branches of whose skills and talents lay in battle, a mirror of the. Their role in the had remained largely consistent throughout its history but was first written down by the Guardian in the text,.OverviewConcentrating on martial training andGuardians engaged in combat more than either of the other two classes of Jedi; the or the. Descended from the Order's founders on whose role in the galaxy was to defend the weak and uphold the laws of the, the Guardians were often seen as representative of the Order and the classic Jedi weapon: the. Focusing all their time and effort on honing their martial skills, who chose to pursue the role of Guardian often built their lightsabers using a blue; symbolizing solidarity and uniformity amongst this class. Master Sunburris recommended spending three hours a day on running, unarmed combat, and lightsaber practice.

  1. Star Wars The Old Republic Jedi Guardian Companions

Highly necessary during the Republic's early years of instability and strife, following the the Guardians took on an even larger role; the was disbanded and the Jedi were thrust into the role as defenders of the Republic. Policing the galaxy and working closely with sector and system law agencies, the Guardians worked tirelessly along the and along the borders of to maintain law where slavery and illegalities ran rampant. While carrying the basics of, Guardians were often known to carry for when they made an arrest.


While there were many sub-branches to the Guardian class, the most skilled and learned were granted the honorific of Warrior Master. It was two Warrior Masters that were said to have joined two in the founding of the on circa. These were honored with depictions on the stairs at the terminus of the.

Specialized pathsBecause not all Guardians could specialize in every field of study, there were several different paths a Jedi could take to hone their own skills to better serve the Order. Separated into four major divisions, this class not only focused on martial skills, but that of piloting and space combat.Exotic Weapons Specialists Main article:Deciding to adopt a different weapon than that carried by other Jedi, Weapons Specialists worked with tools other than a lightsaber to defeat their foes. A rarity in the Order, Weapons Specialists worked with, flails, whips,. Lightsaber Instructors Main article:Vital to the training of at the Temple, lightsaber instructors were chosen by the current Jedi battlemaster after having served many long years on the front lines of battle. While the title battlemaster was taken up by many Jedi during the, it was eventually once more used to represent a single Jedi at each academy, recommending potential instructors to the for appointment. Jedi Ace Main article:Organized under the, the Jedi Aces were highly adept pilots and dogfighters. Piloting a variety of different models over the Order's history, those specializing as Aces used their battle awareness to increase their firing accuracy and precision far beyond what a non- pilot could achieve.

Week in geek After Russian trolls tarnished The Last Jedi, is it safe to like Star Wars again? Published: 4 Oct 2018 After Russian trolls tarnished The Last Jedi, is it safe to like Star Wars again?

Early on the Aces served side by side with the, but after its dissolution they worked closely with local defense fleets. Jedi Peacekeepers Main article:The Jedi Peacekeepers were specialists in the art of policing the galaxy and ensuring that laws are enforced along the Outer Rim. Probably the most recognized branch of the Guardian class, these individuals served alongside Sector police and local militias to ensure peace was kept amongst the stars. The branch of Peacekeepers serving on Coruscant made up the, the protectors of the Jedi Temple and the greater.

Star Wars The Old Republic Jedi Guardian Companions

This organization could be further broken down into the ranks of Gate Master, Brutes, and Snipers.

This video series will take you through all 16 classes in SWTOR and try to help you decide which one you want to play! This video covers the Sith Juggernaut and the Jedi Guardian.Don't forget to kick that like button in the face! Don't worry if you miss and hit the dislike, i'll forgive you.


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This entry was posted on 18.09.2019.