Do Social Networking Sites Play An Important Role In Your Life

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In comparison to other media, social media’s influence in political campaigns has increased tremendously. Social networks play an increasingly important role in electoral politics — first in the ultimately unsuccessful candidacy of Howard Dean in 2003, and then in the election of the first African-American president in 2008. Social Media has rapidly grown in importance as a forum for political activism in its different forms. Social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube provide new ways to stimulate citizen engagement in political life, where elections and electoral campaigns have a central role.

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  2. Do Social Networking Sites Play An Important Role In Your Life Youtube

Like you, I wear a lot of hats and play more than one role at a time. Mother + Creative. Entrepreneur + Daughter. Witch + Referee (that comes with being a mother of more than one child). Sometimes I play them all at once (I’m my own remix). But sometimes, us women, become so busy giving, that we forget our most important role of all – the role of ourselves.

In my case, the role of Agnes.Like most of us, I often live in the past where the “woulda’s” & “shoulda’s” haunt us. OR I obsess about the future, spending days with post-its, highlighters, carefully chosen pens and planners. As a mother, I feel pressure to find balance within my career, family & Self. Guilt comes to visit and whispers in my ear daily, reminding me what a fraud I am if I do not find balance.As an Empath & Introvert, I’m immediately drained when I exchange energy with others.

Do Social Networking Sites Play An Important Role In Your Life Youtube

As a result, I walk around feeling exhausted & cloudy most days of the week. This exhaustion can unleash havoc on the body and soul.

Our emotions and intuition become stagnant. And when this happens, often we are forced to pay attention.My own broken soul caused me to sit up and pay attention. I realized that it’s not the amount of things I check off my to-do list, it is the QUALITY of how I do these things. I took this as a sign to reassess and reflect. I literally stopped and smelled the roses – peonies, actually.Life isn’t a constant to-do list; we are not robots. We must relearn how to enjoy and to savor this journey.

We must show up for ourselves, because in doing so, we can also show up for others. We can contribute, and create more powerfully.

Do Social Networking Sites Play An Important Role In Your Life Youtube

And ladies, WE have the freedom to curate these moments. It’s up to us.We must make time to and practice using them as often as we can. We must infuse intention into our daily lives, into the present.

Our bodies and souls need space to breathe. Taking a few minutes of the day to stop everything – slow down – savor the moment – breathe it in and feel it in your body and your mind. This is how we show up as ourselves – the most important role of our lifetime.In case you need a few ideas for how to show up, stay present and tuned in, here are a few things that I do regularly that might inspire you:. GET OUT INTO NATURERefreshing your mind and body in Mother Nature is magic.

Listening to the rainfall or feeling the sun on your skin or the breeze on you face can be meditative. If you spend the majority of your day indoors at a 9-5 job, getting outside is even more vital. Step outdoors, take a walk during your lunch hour, open the windows to let in natural light and fresh air. It can not only renew your mood but also your workspace. It is instant magic.

CONNECT + DISCONNECTConnection is one the most important things to me. It is everything. A simple conversation or a smile with a stranger can instantly lift my mood. I connect with my tribe as often as I can, even if it’s just a phone call, email or text. An exchange with another – laughter, love, tears, support can be healing and cathartic. Connection expands our hearts and readjusts our minds.

But we also need to unplug daily. Turn off the electronics, release anything toxic we’ve absorbed during the day and replenish ourselves with love. A sea salt bath, a massage, even a 20-minute nap in the car after work – is like hitting the reset button. LIVE WITH INTENTIONI try to do everything with intention. In my work, the words that come out of my mouth, when I connect with another, when I wake up in the morning and even writing these words to you right now.

Knowing that we put our energy, feelings and emotional state into the world (without even saying a word), it’s important that we’re mindful. Because my intention is to put only love, light and beauty into the world, I sometimes have to check myself. That’s the beauty of knowing this super power. You become aware. And that awareness helps you live with greater intention. MOVEMovement is therapy.

It is said to be stronger than any anti-depressant. A walk, cleaning your home, a personal dance party, working out, sex. Any kind of movement.

Our bodies are instrumental in healing our mind and soul. Moving your body clears the channels that connect all our chakras to each other as well as our connection to outside energies. When we move we release any old stories, pains or discomfort that get in our way. It clears our minds and hearts and activates our superpowers. So get moving!. RITUALCreating ritual is beautiful, vital and highly personal. There are no rules to creating rituals in your life – just do what works for you, and what feels amazing.

For me, my mornings are everything because everyone is still asleep and I’m undistracted. That in itself is a lifesaver. I do most of the above in my morning ritual.

I move, sit out on my patio and meditate, prepare my meals with love and intention. I write, I light candles, speak to my guides, do a card reading, even putting on my makeup and getting ready for the day is a ritual. Create rituals out of anything that speaks to you – and most of all have fun with them!Ladies, it’s time to reintroduce ourselves to the concept of slowing down. Our breath, meals, conversations, even life’s “ugly” moments and unexpected circumstances are chances to be present with “what is”.When we sit with the dark, we see the light.

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Stay close to your intuition. Listen to it. Romance this time between you and your surroundings. Be aware of the energy you put in the world, the intentions behind your actions. Life is constant and precious – and it will happen whether we pay attention or not.At the end of the day, we have to come home to ourselves if we are to savor all that life has to offer.Let’s make it exquisite, shall we?xo,Agnes.

This entry was posted on 08.09.2019.